Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spell To Turn A Man On

Genetic Diagnosis: Patentability of genes

A U.S. federal judge recently struck down patents both BRCA1 and BRCA2 (Breast Cancer 1 and 2). These two genes are tumor suppressor genes, some mutations have been identified as the cause of breast and ovarian cancer.

This decision calls into question the exclusive rights to market the Myriad BRACAnalysis test: This test can detect cancer, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer hereditary with a confidence rating of 82% in the first case and 44 % in the second, at a cost of about $ 2000.

The reason given is that the mutated gene, so that-which is based on the test, is not fundamentally different from natural gene, and therefore can not be patented.

However, although 20% of the human genome is patented at the moment, this ruling should be inconsequential, because probably overturned on appeal.


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