Copy, a film by Abbas Kiarostami
A quick summary for know what we're talking about (note, it reveals the key moments of the plot!)
It is difficult to summarize this film ... It looks and interweaves two themes: the couple and art. The action takes place in Tuscany, Italy, in the land of art (Florence) and love (Verona, Venice ..).
The film opens with a lecture by James Miller (William Shimeles), author of an essay Certified Copy , double fiction Kiarostami, author of the eponymous film.
James's essay focuses on the relationship between art and reproductions. In the audience, the character played by Juliette Binoche looks lovingly author, and gives to his neighbor, the translator of Miller, his phone number to be forwarded to James. Later, he visits his admirer. They improvise a trip in the countryside nearby. They stop at an inn. While Miller left the room momentarily to answer a call on his mobile phone, a conversation ensued between the landlord and the young woman. The boss thinks that James and his admirers are married. The latter does not undeceived. The young woman told Miller to return to the restaurant, despise the innkeeper. Miller notes as they are a beautiful couple. This is a turning point in the film. So far, the two characters bound knowledge by discussing the arguments that Miller had developed in his book. According to the author, in art, the copy is better than the original in so far as the artistic value of an object is conferred by the look of one who appreciates. However, from Miller's remarks on marriage with her admirer, the topic of conversation changes and the characters by their words make the viewer feel that they knew each other well before that day and they are a couple married for fifteen years.
Things data are not as certainties. Torque is a fragile body whose very existence is in doubt.
comedy happiness
In the second part of the film, both characters address each other as if they were married a long time. We understand then that the couple has been acting without knowing when. Or, he feigned a romantic encounter in the first part of the film, it is in the second part he plays longtime married couple. By not settling, Kiarostami shows that every pair is based on a set of self, a kind of comedy played two, or a tragedy. On this point, it is interesting to note that the film is built on a unit of time, since the action takes place on a day in accordance with the principles of classical dramaturgy.
The two protagonists reveal their dramatic essence, Miller during his lecture and the young woman in her use of makeup, jewelry, in its desire to do good to another.
The couple, an ideal, impossible to achieve?
The couple is therefore a theatrical convention? The quest for an impossible ideal to achieve? The film illustrates this meeting impossible by the transition from one language to another. Miller is speaking. The young woman is French. In their arguments, everyone will spontaneously use his native language, no one can properly speak of a dialogue of the deaf since the young woman fluent in the language of Shakespeare.
It criticizes Miller for not having noticed the lipstick and earrings she had put in the toilet of the restaurant as if it was transparent, as if they were unable to look at each other. One can not help but think of the sentence by Antoine de Saint Exupery, "love is not looking at each other, it is looking together in the same direction. "
Certified copies or the myth of eternal return
The film comes in different forms the theme of imitation of the multiplication. Men are only playing the myth of eternal return. The protagonists intersect multiple couples on the edge of a golden tree for good luck to newlyweds. Miller is ill at comfortable in front of them. Perhaps they refer to the groom he was confident, before disillusionment. They probably understands that these are only replicas, which will play again sa propre histoire. Du côté de la jeune femme, on décèle de la nostalgie, l'envie de retrouver l'enthousiasme des jeunes années. Les personnages principaux sont d'âge mûr, ni au début, ni à la fin mais au cœur de la vie. Après avoir été contraint de poser près de l'arbre d'or avec de jeunes mariés, Miller confie son pessimisme à la femme qui l'accompagne. D'après lui, le jeune couple ne survivra que s'il prend conscience que ses sentiments devront fatalement changer et évoluer, et Miller de poursuivre : "On ne demande pas à un arbre de promettre de garder ses fleurs après le printemps car les fleurs deviennent fruits. Et puis l'arbre perd ses fruits". Cette image implicitly carries with it the idea of restarting cyclic and ages. The newlyweds are flowering trees, mature couples, trees bearing fruit etc.. Miller and his partner have reached the heart of their existence. In their wanderings, they will meet not only young couples but also older replicas. The first time near a fountain, (the old man is played by Jean-Claude Carriere), the second time, after leaving a church. The image of the fruit tree suggests the idea of the seasons of life but also that of the eternal return. The seasons follow one another, identical and infinitely. Companion Miller had also noticed that her son was "true copy" of his father. From generation to generation, pairs are broken and formed and act as if trying to reach an ideal of how a forger imitates a work of art.
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