Treats secrets, a novel by Pierre Jourde
The main character in this novel, Gilles Saurat is, after a brilliant student, assigned as a trainee teacher in a college. The novel opens with his long train ride that leads to the dark and disturbing Logres City, where he will teach.
The day of the pre-school year, he discovered that as a newcomer, he was booked classes the most difficult. The same day, he will hear the speech of the principal, delivered in a jargon pedagogical bureaucratic nonsense coated waffle. An exhilarating passage, particularly successful in the book.
The hero must fight for months against a sclerotic and Kafkaesque administration for the payment of his wages. This school year will
Gilles Saurat a long nightmare, a descent into hell. He will endure the humiliations of her students before being granted a long sick leave granted by a gynecologist friend.
The city is a place of Logres apocalyptic inhabited by morons at best, at worst, by thugs causing panic in the city.
The space is dominated by shopping malls.
Like any country town has its Logres significant, they are plagued by all forms of vices (greed, perversions).
Treats secrets is a pessimistic book, consider doing Kafka. This story paints a bleak picture of the French education system and youth. The society described is dominated by mindless consumerism and bulimic. No trace of humanity, regardless of social strata described. Students form a mass violent, and refractory culture and education.
I found this novel very strong and unfortunately just in its blackness. However, certain passages are disturbing especially those that depict Arab immigrant families as organized around a male figure (the son) object of veneration unlimited mothers submissive and oppressed as women. These boys are so caricatured as figures of evil, leading a sort of jihad on French soil. Although the story reflects the perspective of a fictional character who is more mentally disturbed, it remains unless they produce discomfort in the reader of this novel, which also is written with talent, in an innovative style.
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