Caught in the duties of the third session, I have not had much opportunity to give updates on the blog. But now I rebuke! Since last Friday, my mother and I went to Ste-Madeleine for the "family meeting" of 10 months Azur. So we could see almost all the little sisters (and only brother) d'Azur! It was very interesting to talk with everyone and see the differences in behavior from one dog to another.
To begin, we noticed Azure, despite its difficult beginnings, is now the largest of the range. Oops, I almost forgot Rust! Indeed, Rust and a little larger Azure and a little thinner, but we did not know his weight. In the end, it still seemed Azur largest format, and the hair different. All other dogs had a bit sweet, like Kyra and our ti-wolf stood out by her hair harder, a bit like a labrador, but long. The dogs were pretty excited at first, but they all eventually calm down (the first Azur, too lazy, which had spread to the ground after just 5 minutes), which allowed us to see the impressive hairball that had formed around us.
One thing that we should not forget is that we had the chance to meet the mother of Azur, Mirabel. She was very nice and seemed very affectionate with people (it reminded me of Kyra, his way of 'commended' his kisses!). Subsequently, we learned all the information about the selection tests of Mira, which was very interesting.
I can not wait to see if Riviera retain his manners during testing! I hope so it is chosen, but at the same time, it would be hard to leave leave. This is our big hairy baby! However, we agree that if selected, it would probably be a guide dog, or nothing at all. For Azur trèèèèèèèèèès lazy. According to Mira, the criterion is that they charge for guide dogs, plus the ability to make decisions (and also enjoy working duty, which is quite important when a dog spends half his life to do that!). Azure is not strong enough to be service dogs (the kind of program would have loved Dickens) and fears of feathers and garden gnomes are unacceptable for dog ASD children. So, choice number one: Azure is a guide dog, he is able to live with the fear and likes to work, while being quite lazy. Choice number 2: Azur is not selected, but it is our family dog. Both options have two different consequences. Of course, we very much hope that it will be chosen and help someone in need, because that is why, initially, we choose to be foster parents. But from the look would be very difficult.
short, we do not know yet, he should pass his test in December. Wish him good luck!
Kyra is going very well, always hairy, always insistent when placed on carpet (we are entitled to the symphonies of "crying" during dinner, accompanied by sighs discouraged us show how we are cruel not to give him a piece of chicken).
The couch is now made "his" territory: as soon as we are "his" place (that is to say at the end of the sofa, where one has a beautiful view of the window and thus, cats who spend) she puts her head on our knees and waits patiently for someone restores its place.
Azur and her two sisters!
Mirabel's mother Azur
Azur and sisters
All great gang!
Mirabel The owner liked our t-wolf and found it very quiet:)
Kyra, the queen of the sofa!
Azur and cap Canadian
Kyra and cap Canadian
Our two loves hairy: )
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