Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fleshy Protusion On The Knuckle

Oops! Meeting

OOPS! We had completely forgotten Blog for a while. Some changes in the house were done this month, but now it is quiet, we can finally return to tell the story of our Pitous!

To begin, we found a beautiful space (unfortunately, we have no dog park in our city, then we must find an other way to run the dogs from time to time) but makes a very nice way for them to run without being able to go free. Kyra is "crazy" and runs around trying to us "steal" the ball (it surprises me, it really has not lot of energy when we go there, even Azur looks like a big bag of potatoes compared to her).

Then we must say that I take always Azur school and he does it very well. We never backcrossing the owner of the puppy Mira though. Has she given up or are we just unlucky not to be encountered again? Regardless, Azur practice patience and we truly hope this will serve him well for his future job guide dog (we really believe he will be chosen for that, it is so good our little wolf!).

Finally, I had to take Azur with me last night to go shopping (ha! no, poor man, "said my lovely brothers). He did that very well. Similarly, it was very popular and many people came to me and ask if they could touch. Even a little baby one year old came to flatter him and I was glad Azure is gentle with the little (he still tried to eat his glass stiromousse he held in his tiny hand, haaa! Azure ...). We went to the pet store to practice with different animals and Azur Mr. was afraid ... Tail feather of a parrot which kept saying "Hello baby " when he saw Azur.

Here are some pictures of our two big furry babies (weighing 67 and 77 pounds to date).

Kyra feels that the wig ...

Well now, it was my hair!

Kyra No no, it's mine it will mieux.J 't look like Einstein!

Ti-wolf who eats his bone

And me, I'm not, bones?

But you Kyra, you have a sweet ... Photo shoot: the catch candy!

And here they are together!
Kyra Laughing d'Azur and his jersey CANADIANS! (Although yes, it's his Halloween costume!)

I also wanted to mention tonight for the first time ... It snowed! Luckily, we had mounted the "tempo " dog bedding this morning!
Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Registering Boat Trailer Without Papers

Information Meeting - CREATING JOBS BY ITS COOPERATION Sauveterre, November 30, 2010 ACTION TAKEN AND CREATE

Reunion information is postponed to Tuesday, November 30, 2010 from 10am Relay Public Services Zone Bonard 4-6, rue des Martyrs 33540 Sauveterre de Guyenne!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2010 Title Insurance Costs In Texas


STOCK CO and its partners in the Social Solidarity Economy Gironde South invites you to meet November 19, 2010 from 9am to 12.30pm at Carmes Langon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Newborn Baby Has Flatulence

Albert Hofmann and LSD 25

Here is an article written by someone who I hope will become a regular writer of this blog to retire, I named: Pain Jeremiah, his twitter account. That is very well written and serendipity is the discovery of LSD. A big thank you!

In 1938, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz began a series of research
derived from ergot. It is known that intoxication with ergot causes
vasoconstriction, and the research program hopes to obtain a non-toxic derivative
used in therapy as stimulating circulation. The

pharmacomodulations on derivatives of lysergic acid amides are performed by a chemist
society then the result is then tested on animals. Some effects are observed without
interests such as a state of agitation with the 25 th derivative of the series, the
of lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD). Experiments are stopped and the molecule is
stored in a drawer.

In 1943, the same chemist decides to réintéresser in this work. As he manipulates the LSD
it is taken from a state of turmoil and unrest. Intrigued, he decided three days later to retest the
substance on himself using what he considers to be the smallest dose to produce an effect.

Twenty minutes after he feels a stunning start, with a feeling of anxiety
oppressive. Arriving difficult to speak and write, he asks his laboratine
to take him home. He wrote about this experience "Just when my bike ride
state took on alarming proportions. Everything that came into my field of vision
was bent and swayed like a twisted mirror. I also feel that they do not advance
with the bike, while my assistant told me later that in fact we were driving very fast. My
environment then turned so scary. Familiar objects took grotesque forms
and often threatening. They were marked by constant movement,
animated, as if moved by an inner restlessness. The neighbor was no longer Mrs. R.
but an evil witch and sly facial color, etc., etc.. "Worried about having poisoned
he consults a doctor who finds no symptoms except for mydriasis (dilated pupils
Later, towards the end of the intoxication, he begins to understand the changes
perception, kaleidoscopic and colorful him appear, associations of sounds, images and
form are.

The chemist who came to the first bad LSD trip was called Albert Hofmann. He will work
as research director for Sandoz until his retirement in 1971. It will continue to be interested in substance what
say hallucinogens, such as isolating psilocybin and psilocybin mushroom
eponymous Psilocybe sp. . His publications
encourage the development of ethnopharmacology and ethnopharmacology, that is to say the search
plant is part of the same molecules of therapeutic interest in indigenous cultures.
LSD was made available to researchers by Sandoz under the name Delysid. It was first
experience in psychiatry, psychology and even addiction. Numerous studies were then published
about it. But gradually, its use went out of the medical setting and
LSD began to increase, and with it, the story of bad trip can be completed
sometimes quite dark. Its use is then gradually prohibited, it
either therapeutic or research.

Among some famous LSD users include Aldous Huxley (writer and doctor), Karry Mullis
(Nobel Prize for having developed the principle of PCR), Maurice G. Dantec (writer). It was also
a substance of choice for hippies.
Albert Hofmann has always opposed the use of LSD as a recreational drug, but has shown
favor its use in an appropriate setting, that is to say, research. He died at 102 years
last year.

The history of LSD is interesting. On the one hand because it is a fine example of "serendipity"
(that is to say that its discovery was made by chance, but it has been realized by the Hofmann
sagacity) and secondly because it shows how a molecule, which could have a promising future
in therapy, has not been exploited because of its avatars
quickly caught up in society.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Long Does Lichen Planus Last

family in the MIRA!

Caught in the duties of the third session, I have not had much opportunity to give updates on the blog. But now I rebuke! Since last Friday, my mother and I went to Ste-Madeleine for the "family meeting" of 10 months Azur. So we could see almost all the little sisters (and only brother) d'Azur! It was very interesting to talk with everyone and see the differences in behavior from one dog to another.

To begin, we noticed Azure, despite its difficult beginnings, is now the largest of the range. Oops, I almost forgot Rust! Indeed, Rust and a little larger Azure and a little thinner, but we did not know his weight. In the end, it still seemed Azur largest format, and the hair different. All other dogs had a bit sweet, like Kyra and our ti-wolf stood out by her hair harder, a bit like a labrador, but long. The dogs were pretty excited at first, but they all eventually calm down (the first Azur, too lazy, which had spread to the ground after just 5 minutes), which allowed us to see the impressive hairball that had formed around us.
One thing that we should not forget is that we had the chance to meet the mother of Azur, Mirabel. She was very nice and seemed very affectionate with people (it reminded me of Kyra, his way of 'commended' his kisses!). Subsequently, we learned all the information about the selection tests of Mira, which was very interesting.

I can not wait to see if Riviera retain his manners during testing! I hope so it is chosen, but at the same time, it would be hard to leave leave. This is our big hairy baby! However, we agree that if selected, it would probably be a guide dog, or nothing at all. For Azur trèèèèèèèèèès lazy. According to Mira, the criterion is that they charge for guide dogs, plus the ability to make decisions (and also enjoy working duty, which is quite important when a dog spends half his life to do that!). Azure is not strong enough to be service dogs (the kind of program would have loved Dickens) and fears of feathers and garden gnomes are unacceptable for dog ASD children. So, choice number one: Azure is a guide dog, he is able to live with the fear and likes to work, while being quite lazy. Choice number 2: Azur is not selected, but it is our family dog. Both options have two different consequences. Of course, we very much hope that it will be chosen and help someone in need, because that is why, initially, we choose to be foster parents. But from the look would be very difficult.

short, we do not know yet, he should pass his test in December. Wish him good luck!

Kyra is going very well, always hairy, always insistent when placed on carpet (we are entitled to the symphonies of "crying" during dinner, accompanied by sighs discouraged us show how we are cruel not to give him a piece of chicken).

The couch is now made "his" territory: as soon as we are "his" place (that is to say at the end of the sofa, where one has a beautiful view of the window and thus, cats who spend) she puts her head on our knees and waits patiently for someone restores its place.


Azur and her two sisters!

Mirabel's mother Azur
Azur and sisters
All great gang!

Mirabel The owner liked our t-wolf and found it very quiet:)

Kyra, the queen of the sofa!

Azur and cap Canadian

Kyra and cap Canadian

Our two loves hairy: )