508th edition of the Fair of Saint-Jacques Wednesday, July 25, Saint-Jacques, a tiny hamlet perched on the heights of Three Bridges, will be organized the 508th Fair of Saint-Jacques. In
program this festive day that the Committee of Saint-Jacques wants family, a craft market, bringing together some 40 artisans from our beautiful region. Last year, nearly 2,000 people who walked in one street of the hamlet. The sun was shy but in the opinion of all, that day was a success.
Popular games will again be presented. Activities for children are also organized!
The "Robette" Stavelot present their proteges and "Coqlis" of Rencheux will sing their cocks!
The day begins at 10:30 am with Mass of Saint-Jacques, followed by the blessing of children
. Indeed, Saint Jacques is invoked against diseases and childhood fears.
After the service, the Committee invites all present to share an appetizer, which will be hosted by "The Ardennes.
hungry stomachs can be fed at the dinner will be served from 12 noon. Each person taking part in the lunch part in the raffle of Craftsmen. Beautiful baskets will win!
The musical entertainment of the afternoon is given to Jicé Group. A dance, animated by DJ & B, will conclude this day of celebration.
If you want more information, call 080/68.46.91 or 0499/378.138.
The Committee of Saint-Jacques is pleased to meet you July 25!